Welcome to our FAQ section! Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions about tennis, including tips for beginners, equipment recommendations, training advice, and information on local leagues and tournaments. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, our goal is to provide you with the insights you need to enhance your game and enjoy the sport to its fullest. If you have a question that isn't covered here, feel free to reach out to us directly!
How do I know which colored ball level is right for my child?
Acers describes Red Level as beginner players who are still learning to make consistent contact with the ball and are 4-7 years old. Orange 1 Level is for 8-13 year old beginners who are still learning to make consistent contact with the ball and not yet able to rally. Orange Level 2 is for players who are able to rally consistently, and are most comfortable competing at the orange reduced court size (under 13 yo). Green ball is typically for 10-14 yos who are competent at rallying from the baseline, yet still working on consistency and precision. Orange 2 and Green ball levels both participate in practice matchplay.
What do kids learn in a skills clinic?
What is the benefit of using colored balls vs.
"regular"/yellow balls?
USTA has developed and endorses colored ball programs using the AMA development theory. Basically, colored balls are bigger and lighter, making them less bounce-y, and allowing developing children more success with tennis! This is wonderful because it keeps players encouraged and allows them to participate in more tennis activities, including rallying and competitive play!
Red balls are the biggest and lightest, orange balls are regular sized and a little denser, and green balls are very close to yellow balls.
What's the difference between a Team Challenge and a Junior Circuit?